Marilyn Rose Marilyn Rose

Before I Get to Heaven…to Heaven Can Wait!

Our 1 Year Anniversary…On April 12, 2023 it was our one year Anniversary. Our 1 Year “Before I Get To Heaven” travel adventure anniversary. And 18 months since my lung cancer diagnosis set us on a whole new life trajectory!

Almost hard to believe its been 1 whole year since we left Edmonton headed for our across North America travel adventure. 1 whole year since we put our hearts desires into action & headed out in our Motorhome. With minimal RV experience & first time travelling in Mexicao, we were as green as the grass in…well not Mexico or Arizona. Perhaps California! LOL. But we figured things out as we went along. And at times there was a lot of figuring out!

From mountain, lakes, oceans, rivers, deserts, lighthouses & churches. Lot of churches & lighthouses. (There were even Lighthouses in Arizona). We saw everything I wanted to see & more. And we went everywhere we wanted go!

And everywhere we went surpassed our expectations above & beyond what I could have imagined. I wanted to have fun, see & experience new things & make connections. Meaningful connections! And that we did. The connections new & old being the most important & memorable to me. And again…about & beyond what we expected and imagined!

That’s what happens when one follow their hearts desires & goes where the wind blow them where. Where Spirit guides one to go! And doing that has taken us to places we were meant to go and meet people we were meant to meet! And as green as we were and as many “mis-adventures” we had along the way, things always turned out for the good, and or better than our original plan.

Now that we are back in Edmonton, for follow-up medical tests and appointments and to reconnect with family & friends, we’ll start planning for the next leg of our travel adventure. We plan to return to Mexico for the winter but between now & then, plans are up in the air. Stay Tuned.

In the meantime I will continue getting stronger, healthier and happier living a life of true G.R.A.C.E. (Gratitude, Respect, Acceptance, Courage & Excitement). It’s been 18 months since my lung cancer diagnosis, 14 months since my lung surgery (to remove the upper lobe of my left lung where the most concerning of the lung spots throughout my lungs were). And I am thriving! Travelling agrees with me. As does fulfilling all my dreams and living in hot winter climates! Especially that!! Can hardly wait for the rest of our adventures to unfold.

And so it is…I have officially changed the name of my Blog and Fakebook Page to Marilyn Rose “Heaven Can Wait”. “Before I Get to Heaven” was derived out of a poem I wrote right after my cancer diagnosis…about all the things I wanted to do before I leave this earth to return home. My “bucket list”. Well I’ve done many of things on my original bucket list, but there is still so much more I want to experience and share. So Heaven can just wait. As the saying goes…I still have places to go, people to meet. I still want to inspire more people to live life to the fullest & and follow all their hearts desires. And not to wait until they are given a terminal health diagnosis or some other traumatic life event. We are all terminal…none of us are getting out of here alive, so why do we act like we have all the time in the world to do things? We aren’t guaranteed that. We only have now!

So…having said all that, until we start travelling again…I will keep sharing here & on Facebook & and will be a doing recaps of our travel adventures over this past year. I have so many pictures & so many amazing stories to share! I will try to pick out the highlights, although even that will be hard as there were so many.

And before I sign off…a big Thank you to all of you who have been following me on Facebook, commenting, sending likes, hearts etc. All that lets me know I am on the right track and that what I am sharing is meaningful and hopefully somewhat inspiring. So please keep them coming! Connection and engagement is important to me, especially when on the road and I’m not able to meet up in person. So grateful for modern technology! So grateful for everyone and everything in my Life!

So, as I said before…stay tuned. I guarantee following our journey will not disappoint…

With love & gratitude today & always…


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Marilyn Rose Marilyn Rose

A little bit of this, a little bit of that…

A little bit of this, little bit of that…

A little shopping, a little sightseeing (found a beautiful church), a little work on my new website, and a little bit of wondering…or should I say more than just a little bit.

After our shopping adventure I spent some time figuring out my blog on my new website. Well, I got so focused on the task at hand, I forgot Lea was outside with me. I was supposed to be watching her. Den had gone to Walmart. Lucky for her & me she is well known in the park, so when a neighbour found her almost at the pool, she knew where to return her. (Thank you Edith)

Lea is now like having a baby that has learned to walk and wonders everywhere! Now I have to remember that. Lol.

Even she is living her best life here. Mexico agrees with all of us!!

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Marilyn Rose Marilyn Rose

Welcome to

I am so excited about my big announcement I couldn’t wait another day. Drumroll please…! I now have a new Website!

After shutting down my previous one many years ago, the time had come! So while I was frolicking in the sun, visiting relatives back home, and floating in the pool…work was in progress! I know how to create with joy & ease

Thank you to the beautiful and talented Deanne Kynastan for designing and setting up my website. It is so beautiful and accurately represents who I am, what I am about, and what I am out & about doing! I will be posting my blog here for those who don’t use Facebook as well as on my Facebook page Marilyn Rose Before I Get to Heaven! Now I have to learn how to add pictures etc. Everything in life is a work in progress…including me!

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Marilyn Rose Marilyn Rose

Above & Beyond Reconciliation…

It all begins with an idea.

As promised…more words of wisdom.

Above & Beyond Reconciliation…

Up Til Now being a Spirit in a human body, having a human experience (on this Earth), has been challenging for me, as it has been for many. I remember, forget, & remember again. For me, reconciling “everything” in my human experience is about remembering, once & for all, who I really am & why I am.

So without further ado, from my Heart & Soul to yours…whispered to me by my Creator…”We are One”. (No make-up, no filters, no high tech recording, just the simple truth). The truth my journey to/thru Grace has revealed to me…

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Marilyn Rose Marilyn Rose

Spirit Whispers. Above & Beyond Reconciliation. An Invitation…

It all begins with an idea.

The process of Reconciliation, in the Indigenous communities in Canada, has been going on for several yrs. And it will continue to be an on-going process for many generations to come. Some embrace it, others not so much. Everyones process is different. And everyones process affects others.

For sure no likes to be told to “get over it”, however big or small “it” may be. And yet without reconciliation, staying stuck in “it”, stuck in the experiences of the past, limits our ability to move on. It limits our ability to grow, transform & evolve above & beyond painful & traumatic experiences, to the loving, peace-filled life’s we deserve to live! So perhaps, just perhaps, there is an alternative.

And yes, immediately the Ego says No way!! It would like to convince us there isn’t. It’s goal is to keep us safe at all cost, keep us grounded in fear, anger, punishment, retaliation & revenge etc. What if there is an alternative. What if we can rise above & beyond all that. Well, Creators tells me we can! And invites you to consider it. We just have to be willing to live in our hearts & souls guided by our Spirit. Our Spirit is capable of rising us above & beyond the confines or our minds & physical bodies. Our Indigenous ancestors have been doing it for centuries, thru…ceremonies, sweat lodges, dancing, fasting etc. Most cultures have their unique way of connecting Spiritually …whether it be thru nature, meditation, rituals, prayer etc. It can be as simple as taking a walk in nature or as complex as structured practices that one follows diligently every day. Whatever it is, it will indeed rise you above & beyond the limiting beliefs your mind would like to keep you entrenched in. So although you might not want to “get over it, go under it or go thru it”, rising above & beyond is always an alternative. It’s where love, compassion, beauty, creativity, forgiveness, freedom & joy lives, & will always be the wings that rise you above & beyond to the path of true happiness & true reconciliation. And remember, we teach our children to love or hate, to be judgemental & unforgiving or to be compassionate & caring. To live in joy & peace or struggle and anger.

P.S. The best analogy I can think of is this… There are Eagles that soar high above & beyond the clouds in the sky. They rise above & beyond the confines of this earth. And there are gulls that stick around on the ground & fight with each other over french fries & other scraps in the fast food parking lots. Hmmm. I know where I choose to be. I know what I choose to teach our children & grandchildren! How about you?

Last but not least, please remember…this is an invitation. You can accept or decline. We all choose how we want to experience life. Creator always invites, not forces! That’s the beauty of free will.

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