Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Weeks after giving birth, Marilyn’s daughter, Holly Frances went from being a healthy 26-year-old new mom to paralyzed and on life support—in less than 72 hours.

Diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), she was trapped in her own body, unable to move, speak, or hold her newborn daughter.

Holly’s new book, Life Support, tells the story of how she struggled to overcome the despair, hopelessness and pain of recovery, to regain her health and get back to being a mother to her daughter.

Both a memoir and a resource guide, this is the true story of how Holly found purpose in the 126 days she spent in hospital with Marilyn by her side.

A journey of strength, determination and hope, Holly’s story reminds us that life doesn’t always go as planned, sometimes, in the most dire and challenging ways, it turns out better.

If you are a GBS survivor looking to read about another experience, to see that you are not alone. . .

If you are a family member of someone diagnosed with GBS looking for hope, information or guidance. . .

If you are a medical professional looking for education on this rare disease. . .

If you are going through a difficult time and need some motivation in your life to keep going. . .

Or you just want to learn more about what Marilyn’s daughter, Holly went through in the 126 days she spent hospitalized after the birth of her daughter.

GBS Foundation

The GBS/CIDP Foundation improves the quality of life for individuals and families affected with GBS, CIDP & Variants.

Marilyn actively volunteers with the foundation, organizing awareness events and providing support to those in need. Along with her daughter Holly, she has visited many patients in the hospital, providing encouragement, advice and hope to patients and their caregivers.

For more information on GBS , CIDP and their variants, to receive support or to donate to the foundation – please visit their website below.

GBS/CIDP Support Groups

GBS/CIDP Support Groups are an incredible way for people affected by GBS and CIDP to connect with others around the world.

They are a great place to share stories, ask questions and get a variety of answers, at all times of the day. GBS/CIDP may be rare, but these support groups remind us that we are not alone.

The group “Guillain-Barre' Syndrome Survivors has over 12,000 members!

For other support groups on Facebook, search Guillain-Barre, GBS, and/or CIDP in the search bar. The GBS/CIDP Foundation website also has an online chat forum and a list of upcoming support groups across various locations.