Spirit Whispers. Above & Beyond Reconciliation. An Invitation…

The process of Reconciliation, in the Indigenous communities in Canada, has been going on for several yrs. And it will continue to be an on-going process for many generations to come. Some embrace it, others not so much. Everyones process is different. And everyones process affects others.

For sure no likes to be told to “get over it”, however big or small “it” may be. And yet without reconciliation, staying stuck in “it”, stuck in the experiences of the past, limits our ability to move on. It limits our ability to grow, transform & evolve above & beyond painful & traumatic experiences, to the loving, peace-filled life’s we deserve to live! So perhaps, just perhaps, there is an alternative.

And yes, immediately the Ego says No way!! It would like to convince us there isn’t. It’s goal is to keep us safe at all cost, keep us grounded in fear, anger, punishment, retaliation & revenge etc. What if there is an alternative. What if we can rise above & beyond all that. Well, Creators tells me we can! And invites you to consider it. We just have to be willing to live in our hearts & souls guided by our Spirit. Our Spirit is capable of rising us above & beyond the confines or our minds & physical bodies. Our Indigenous ancestors have been doing it for centuries, thru…ceremonies, sweat lodges, dancing, fasting etc. Most cultures have their unique way of connecting Spiritually …whether it be thru nature, meditation, rituals, prayer etc. It can be as simple as taking a walk in nature or as complex as structured practices that one follows diligently every day. Whatever it is, it will indeed rise you above & beyond the limiting beliefs your mind would like to keep you entrenched in. So although you might not want to “get over it, go under it or go thru it”, rising above & beyond is always an alternative. It’s where love, compassion, beauty, creativity, forgiveness, freedom & joy lives, & will always be the wings that rise you above & beyond to the path of true happiness & true reconciliation. And remember, we teach our children to love or hate, to be judgemental & unforgiving or to be compassionate & caring. To live in joy & peace or struggle and anger.

P.S. The best analogy I can think of is this… There are Eagles that soar high above & beyond the clouds in the sky. They rise above & beyond the confines of this earth. And there are gulls that stick around on the ground & fight with each other over french fries & other scraps in the fast food parking lots. Hmmm. I know where I choose to be. I know what I choose to teach our children & grandchildren! How about you?

Last but not least, please remember…this is an invitation. You can accept or decline. We all choose how we want to experience life. Creator always invites, not forces! That’s the beauty of free will.


Above & Beyond Reconciliation…