Monday’s with Marilyn Conscious Living Love or Fear
Is there really more fear (anger, hatred, greed, judgement etc) in the world than LOVE (compassion, kindness, charity, non-judgement etc)? I don’t believe so. Fear just seems to be louder & more aggressively shared. It seems to be accepted as the norm of human nature & behaviour. Hmmm!
Perhaps its time LOVE was more assertive, more vocal, more proactive. More openly spoken about and shared. More the norm.
Perhaps those of us who believe LOVE is the answer & will prevail, could be more aware of our reactions and conscious of our non loving thoughts & actions and how they contribute to the fear based thoughts & energy swirling (within us) & all around us.
Perhaps we could notice when we are judging, criticizing, gossiping instead of having compassion & understanding.
Perhaps we could raise above & beyond the confines of those thoughts…those of our Ego minds and the illusions it creates. Perhaps we could stay grounded in the truth of LOVE.
Perhaps we could retrain our minds to seek the truth, see the truth, live the truth.
We can. One mind one heart at a time. I will start with mine through conscious loving.
Will you join me?