Monday’s with Marilyn…Love is the Answer
Love is the answer! Mornings with Marianne has reminded me of this! Hmm sounds so simple. And to some it sounds so very naive. How can LOVE solve the world’s problems?
Very simply…We live in a fear dominate world. There is fear in all of us & it’s the basis for all other conditions of hatred, anger, greed, judgement etc. And its all expressed through words, behaviour and ultimately energy that is dispersed into the world like giant tsunami waves.
We know it to be true because we can see it & feel it. Just look around at the state of the world. The state of our hearts & minds. The unnatural state I must add.
What above love & compassion. Can we see and feel it? Are there tsunami waves of love and compassion flooding the earth?
There would if we lived in a love dominate based world, where we were as committed to sharing and expressing love as we are to expressing fear & (control based) energy. It could be if we agreed that returning to our natural state of being would change things.
For example our first reaction to fear based behaviour, such as hatred and judgement, is to hate & judge back. Our first reaction is to engage in that fear based behaviour and energy, which then increases it in size & volume. And that perpetuates the cycle of fear and all that fear encompasses. It adds to the tsunami waves. How cannot it not!
Hmmm. We know this but we continue to do it even though it distrupts our own peace of mind and of those around us. We’ve become conditioned to engage in it over and over again and interestingly we expect different results. And they never are.
We’ve become conditioned to believe it’s our only defence and we use it like a shield of protection. What if love was our best form of protection & defence.
In other words…what do you think would happen if you loved the ones labeled as “haters” (the fearful, greedy, evil etc) instead of hating them back? Instead of judging & engaging in the very behaviour we have deemed to be unacceptable & is so “peace & loving” disruptive?
Hmmm!! What do you think would happen to your own peace of mind and heart if you guarded your thoughts carefully & noticed when fear based attacking thoughts surfaced? And what would happen if we choose to change them to loving thoughts instead? Hmmm.
What do you think would happen if we returned to our natural state of being…love, compassion & forgiveness, to think & therefor act with love & compassion? Do you think that would add to the loving energy also flowing through the world? Do you think it would have an effect? Do you think we could send out tsunami sized waves of love energy to wash over us all?
Hmmm! Well perhaps it’s time we tried. We already know how things are working out for us now, how much more fearful and angry we have become. How we are becoming “flooded”…swept away & pulled into the riptides of conflict and non peaceful behaviour.
Perhaps the time has come to try a different approach. I know the salvation of my own inner peace is dependent on it. And I believe so is the salvation of the world.
So I am going to do my best, one day (one moment) at a time, to return to love. To return to loving & compassionate thoughts & behaviour. To my natural state of being.
If you have read this all the way to here, and this resonates with you…I invite you to let me know if you would like to join me on this journey “this movement” to return to love.
Let me if you would like to join me on my mission …to return to my highest purpose here on earth…to share & receive LOVE and restore myself to the peaceful state of mind my heart and my Creator desires for me!
I would like to start a “Return to Love”…Mastermind Group with regular weekly contact so we can master returning to our “heart-full loving hearts & minds. We can only do that by retraining our ego fearful minds so our knee jerk reactions & attacking thinking patterns no longer dominate our thoughts. Then & only then can we unite in LOVE & the belief, LOVE conquers all.